October 22, 2024

Write for Us

Techblog Insider is the fastest-growing community in the “technology write for us” field. Being a community blog, I always encourage upcoming bloggers to contribute an original blog to our leading technology blog.

Here are our guidelines for Tech Blog -Product, Software & Website Review

  1. Guest columns usually run about 1000 words.
  2. Make a strong, clear argument supported by examples, details, and/or data.
  3. Avoid long introductions; get straight to the point.
  4. Be sure to include a headline.
  5. Be sure to include an author bio, including details on your background and expertise that make it clear why your opinion on the topic should count to readers.
  6. If you’re not the author, be sure to tell us what organization you work for and spell out your relationship to the author.
  7. Include Images, video or infograph

How can you “Write for us” about technology, News and become a Techblog Insider contributor?

To become a regular contributor at Techblog Insider, here are some tips that will help you to get your article accepted and published:

Head over to the homepage and check out the first few pages to understand what kind of articles we publish here. You will see mostly the technology blogs.

Write content that is solely focused on quality and adding value for readers.

 Here are a few of the categories that I accept articles from. Do research on our website and find out what kind of articles do we post:

  1. Blogging tips, blogging tools, and blog marketing.
  2. WordPress plugins and themes (and how-to’s on using these).
  3. Microsoft, Mac, laptops and other latest technology related gadgets.
  4. “How-to’s” related articles
  5. SEO tools, software, and case studies.
  6. Worlds of technology
  7. Business- Real Estate, News, Gadgets, Phones. lifestyle, education
  8. We also publish Software, product and tech reviews for services.

Come up with a Great Idea for Our Tech Blog Related to Software, Products Reviews:-

  1. Craft a post based on your experience and research.
  2. Use your expertise to interpret a recent trend or news event.
  3. Offer a solution to a common concern or problem.
  4. Share a personal experience that is likely to interest many other people.

Dos and Don’ts


  • Be Original. Please don’t just copy and rewrite other articles on the internet. Add something interesting facts to the blog you submit so the reader can engage.
  • Add your Personal thoughts. Don’t write something that you are not expert of, add a little of your own personality to the writing. We want to see your  knowledge through out the article.
  • Ensure that the length of the articles you submit range somewhere between 500 to 2,000 words.
  • Use original images or attribute images that are not your own. Image width should be 800px, wherever possible.
  • Add resources to your article wherever possible and support your arguments with studies and research.
    Please do not add information that is not accurate or make up statistics that suit your needs.


  • Plagiarize. Please do not simply submit work that has already been on the internet or even a rewrite of someone else’s work.
  • Give articles that add no value or meaning to your readers. Each article you write should have a specific purpose.
  • Submit articles with bad grammar or sentence structure. Understanding technology is difficult enough without them having to wade through bad sentence structures or grammar. Please proof-read your articles before submission or have someone who has impeccable grammar edit your articles.
  • Use images without copyright or attribution. We do not appreciate plagiarism threats or cases, so ensure that you always attribute work that is not yours.

If you have gone through our requirements follow the below methods to reach us through-

Technology, Software Reviews and Product Reviews Guest Posting/Write for US Services

Send your details – ajaydalal123@gmail.com ( please mention website name in your email subject other wise we can not reply you)

(Note: Unrelated posts or useless submissions will not be entertained.)

More Detailed Guidelines to “Write for us” a Blog Post for Guest Posting-

If you are tired of writing multitudes of guest blog posts only to have them rejected, featured on low ranking sites, or simply not converting traffic at all, then continue reading to learn how to create premium guest posts every time!


Before beginning to craft your post, consider the site you are posting on first. Read other guest posts and see what level of quality they are at and how they are formatted to glean a bit of knowledge on how yours should look (or how to stand out from the crowd!). Additionally, read some of the comments on the blog itself and try to formulate an idea of the audience you are going to be blogging for. Consider the posts that feature the most comments and analyze what they have in common. To generate the most ROI on your blog post, it is essential that your post generates comments and creates a buzz on that particular blog.

Get Ideas

Once you have the go ahead from a blog to create a guest post, then you now need to begin generating ideas. While making sure it is relevant to your site you are creating a backlink for is essential, but you need to ensure that the post is not only unique, but something that will definitely catch a reader’s interest.Find something shocking, humorous, unheard of, or even controversial for your post and you can easily elicit a lot of responses from doing so.

If you are looking for ideas, consider checking news feeds such as Google News, Yahoo! News, or even consider Reddit. Typing in any subject will generally bring up any relevant news related to the topic and can definitely get your creative juices flowing.

Craft Your Post

Crafting your post should take a considerable amount of time. You need to make it an appropriate length for the subject you chose which is crucial. Instead of quickly running through and writing a post that meets a 350 word minimum, ignore your word count. Instead just write everything relevant to your post and keep it at a very high level of quality because it not only will ensure that the webmaster approves it, but also that you get a positive reader response.

Here are a few other tips and tricks to craft a masterful guest blog post:

Keep it simple – If you are not writing on any professional site that caters towards individuals with high levels of education, then you need to keep your words simple and easy to understand. Treat your readers as if they were fifth graders to ensure that you don’t confuse any of them. If your readers cannot understand the words, then they will not understand the post which translates to a potential customer lost.

Links – Instead of just having your own link in the post, consider several others, both inbound and outbound. Try linking to another page or so on the blog (webmasters love this!), and also adding an additional outbound link so it doesn’t look like you are solely shoving your backlink into a reader’s face. Interlinking is an awesome SEO strategy that is a must for any blog so proves to be very useful for guest blogging as well. Make sure your links are helpful to the audience and not just for link building and ensure that the links are 100% related to the content you have written.

Titles are crucial – While some blog rolls have the full post, others only have a short excerpt and the title displayed. This means that you’ve got to grab a reader’s attention immediately with a killer title. Hint at something amazing, scandalous, or intriguing in your post. Additionally, consider asking a question or even doing a list of top items (i.e top ten laptops of 2019). I would advise that you do some keyword research before coming with the post title, it helps to find target keywords that have less competition so that you can easily get the post ranking well in major search engines.

Bookmark the live URL of your new guest post – Once your guest post is live, submit it to all the top social bookmarking websites to help to get targeted traffic to it and also get it indexed faster.

Common Mistakes

  • Quantity over quality – If you churn out ten posts in twenty minutes for various blogs, then congratulations you are not only a speed writer, but you’ve likely wasted your valuable time. It is highly doubtful that these posts are going to be intriguing, maintain a good flow, or even have all of the qualifications needed to be accepted onto strict and high PR sites. Spend twenty minutes on a single post instead and reap the rewards from bagging a fantastic backlink! If you don’t have the time to spend on a great blog post, consider hiring a content writing service instead! If you’re content is engaging, interesting and solves a problem, it is highly likely people would want to link to it by themselves
  • Boring – whether it’s a boring title or topic, you are losing out on readers. Make it snazzy and steal their attention instantly! Use the keyword research you have done to find realistic problems in the niche and provide a good solution with a catchy title that just has to be clicked.